Top 10 Best Water Purifiers in India – 2022


Water is important for life and one of the essential elements of human existence. A Water Purifier ensures that we get clean and safe water to drink so that we stay away from water-borne diseases. Considering the quality of water we get from the taps these days, installing the water purifier is more of a necessity than a luxury in these modern times.

These days we have plenty of options in the market and companies confuse us with its models and technologies and we as a consumer get very confused about choosing the best for our families. Here in this blog we will share with you the Top 10 Best Water Purifiers in the Indian Market in 2022 and we will also discuss the technologies of Water Purifiers and whether we need the Water Purifier or not.

Table of Contents

Water Filtration Methods

We have various technologies available for Water Purifiers in the Indian market which we have listed down below explaining each of them in brief.

RO Technology (Reverse Osmosis)

RO water purifying technology is the most commonly used for improving water for drinking and cooking and for many of us Water Purifier itself means RO. RO is a powerful technology, it can purify the most contaminated and salty water in just one go and also it can remove upto 90% of water hardness so this is a good pick if water is very hard in your area. Pore Diameter for RO Technology is 0.0001 Micron as it allows only water molecules to pass through it. Along With impurities, natural minerals are also removed and we get only transparent water. Also, the disadvantage of RO is that a lot of water gets wasted here.

NF Technology (Nanofiltration)

NF Technology is very much similar to that of RO Technology but the difference here is that the Pore Diameter of NF Technology is 0.001 Microns and because of which it removes less impurities then that of RO Technology but it retains the natural minerals of the water unlike that of RO Technology. With NF Technology, water hardness can be removed upto 60% and the advantage of this technology is that only little water is wasted in this purification method.

UF Technology (Ultrafiltration)

UF Technology filters the water without electricity while RO and NF Technology uses electricity for the purification of water. The Pore Diameter here is 0.01 Microns. Here, the water is cleaned but the natural mineral content remains unchanged but we cannot use this method if there is a problem of hard water in the area. One major advantage of this technology is that no water is wasted in this purification method.

What is UV (Ultra Violet Chambers)?

The technologies we discussed above are capable of removing solid and chemical impurities but it cannot completely remove the tiny microorganisms which is why it is recommended to have UV along-with one of the above water purifying technologies in your water purifier. This technology uses a powerful UV Rays to kill the tiny microorganisms when the water passes through the UV chamber. 

About TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)

Out of all the technologies, choosing the best technology depends on the water hardness in your locality. To know the hardness of water it is important we know the TDS level of water and to determine the same we can invest in one TDS meter which is of a very nominal price but will be very helpful to us on choosing the right type of Water Purifiers for our homes.

Less than 100Not Ideal
100 to 300ExcellentUF + UV
300 to 500GoodNF + UV
500 to 900Not Ideal (Hard Water)NF + UV
More than 900Not Ideal (Hard Water)RO + UV

If you want to get one TDS meter then I have mentioned the list and links of the Best TDS meters available in the market here.



  • Model: 11111
  • Capacity: 8 Litres

  • Technology: RO + UF + TDS Control + UV

  • Water Mountable: Yes

  • Warranty: 1 Year Warranty + 3 Years No Service Charge

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.13,999/-



  • Model: WPNT6R1
  • Capacity: 10 Litres

  • Technology: RO + UV + MF

  • Water Mountable: Yes

  • Warranty: 1 year warranty 

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.13,999/-



  • Model: GWPDARUUF00000
  • Capacity: 7 Litres

  • Technology: RO + UF + TDS Control + UV

  • Water Mountable: Yes

  • Warranty: 1 year warranty 

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.17,499/-



  • Capacity: 8 Litres
  • Technology: RO + UV + MF

  • Water Mountable: Yes

  • Warranty: 1 Year Warranty

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.21,490/-



  • Model: Z9
  • Capacity: 10 Litres

  • Technology: RO + SCMT

  • Water Mountable: Yes

  • Hot & Normal Water just at press of a button

  • Warranty: 1 Year Warranty

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.24,900/-



  • Model: Kent gold star
  • Storage Capacity: 22 Litres

  • Technology: Gravity based UF water purifier only suitable for low TDS water

  • Water Mountable: Yes

  • Non-electric

  • Warranty: 1 Year Warranty

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.2,449/-



  • Model: ‎‎Aquasure Aquaflow DX
  • Technology: UV + UF suitable only for TDS below 200 (municipal water)

  • Warranty: 1 Year Warranty

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.5,599/-



  • Model: ‎WPUV100
  • Storage Capacity: 4 Litres

  • Technology: UV + UF suitable only for TDS below 200 (municipal water)

  • Warranty: 1 Year Warranty

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.8,490/-



  • Model: X-Series UV+Ultra Filtration Water Purifiers
  • Storage Capacity: 5 Litres

  • Technology: UV + UF suitable only for TDS below 200 (municipal water)

  • Warranty: 1 Year Warranty

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.9,149/-



  • Model: ‎Aquaguard Aura
  • Storage Capacity: 7 Litres

  • Technology: UV + UF suitable only for TDS below 200 (municipal water)

  • Warranty: 1 Year Warranty

  • Price (Approx.): Rs.11,499/-


So that’s it folks! This was our pick for the Top Best Water Purifiers in 2022. If you have any queries or suggestions, you can write down to us in the comments section below.

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